Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The million dollar question...

First, a few of us have been wondering... Does the ten second rule still apply in foreign countries? Thoughts anyone?

Secondly, I'm having a hard time forming thoughts right now so bare with me.

Today has been interesting thus far. We visited the Khayelitsha Maternity Clinic, Similela Rape Clinic and Fuzeka High School today. Each place was amazing. The Maternity Clinic and Similela are both in the hospital compound. The Clinic has a staff of about 15 women rotating in shifts of 5. These 5 women consist of a combination of midwives and students. The doctor comes about once a week for a few hours to give treatment to higher risk cases. These women are amazing and are excited for us to give any help we can. The Clinic is so underresourced in staff and equipment. (I hope I can bring home your supplies mom!! If not I'll pay you back!! They seemed really excited about stethoscopes!) I will begin working there tomorrow in any capacity I can lend a hand, so please pray I have patience and peace. Interestingly enough, the guest house we are staying in St. Paul's was the first Black Midwifery in Cape Town 150 years ago! Fate?

In honesty, I'm having a hard time dealing with my experience at Similela. South Africa has the highest rate of rape in the world and Similela is doing amazing things to heal South Africa from sexual violence. I think seeing both clinics back to back was a little difficult to process. Experiencing birth and in some ways death is difficult in such a short time frame, but I think a little sleep and my art journal are REALLY helping.

Hopefully I will update in a few days. I'm gonna stay away from the internet cafe for a few days to help myself adjust better. Thank you all for the support!


  1. haha....ten second rule :)
    simelala was THE hardest experience i had my entire visit there. the worst was seeing the small examination table and stuffed animals :(

    i was so consumed after leaving. we didn't visit the maternity clinic but i'm sure the contrast was intense. fezeka is great, isn't it!? the loud and hectic energy keeps the place buzzing and makes you feel alive!

    so glad for the updates :)

  2. Don't worry about the supplies Kat. I figured they would be left behind. May God bless you and keep you as you experience birth, life and death. Love you, Mom
    PS No 10 second rule

  3. Keeping you in prayer Kathleen. And I agree there is no 10 second rule =)

  4. Love you, and praying for you all...NO ten second rule!
